Saturday, February 22, 2014

Completed GB Packer Solstice...Abigail

Actually finished rows and a few borders last weekend.

Here is the final product! Had to find an area that was not windy. Plan to quilt footballs and Packer player numbers.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Completed 22 hand quilted blocks in the "king".

Today reached end if two rows with total of 22 blocks hand quilted during watching/listening to Olympics. 99 blocks to go. Quilting 2 rows at a time.using 4 interlocking circles in each block. Fun to do and fast. About 1 hour to complete a block.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

So what will the Packer Solstice look like?

So here is what the blocks will look like. Changed the direction of the half square triangles on the corner blocks so the green would not blend into the other green.
You cans see that the yellow- orange looks like cheddar cheese.

I just need to finish the corner block construction.  Very happy with the progress and the look of the quilt.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Progress on Packer Solstice...clue 2 Chevrons!!!

Here is this weekends progress. I have them in pairs and now will do some pinning during the Super Bowl. I love how these colors turned out!

The hearts are very cute! The gold material was a last minute pick up and sure looks and feels Packers! Very excited to see this come together. Probably will be delayed due to the Olympics watching and some planned events with my husband.

Celtic Solstice.."king".. Quilting

Here is the quilting design I settled on. Something easy and quick due to the size of the quilt. I will have time to think about border design later. Olympics on later this week so will do some hand quilting at this time.
Tried to fill out the block. Quilting using wool batting, so great to quilt with. I am using green for the quilting, possibly yellow to outline the blocks, but still think about it. Sure is a big heavy quilt to move around, very warm as our weather has been quilt cold.
Here is the back.  I  not picky about my stitches, I do the best. I want to be successful in completing the quilt.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Packer Solstice...clue one done

Clue one is done. Triangles are better than the first go round.  You can see the triangles used for the block...stars. That way the packer material is more prominent. The black/packer  triangles will be for the side border. I am thinking that I may point them toward or away from the main quilt. I will have to see once the blocks come together.

Now here is clue. 2. These are the beginnings for the chevrons. Green will be the base with off whilst and gold the other two colors. Today I finished adding the off while. Just finished marking the gold squares to add to green ones. Actually had to cut 3 more rows of green, so total should be 20. I decided to add these to pictures incase I want to do this quilt again. I really love the different parts of it and how it comes together and the final effects. Maybe a future Badger quilt? We'll see. So far I am pleased how the fabrics play nice together!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Celtic Solstice completed top ready for quilting!

Final green border on the quilt. Looks great! I would not change a thing,

Laying it out so I can put batting and backing on it.

Whiskers is inspecting the whole process.
Quite an undertaking. It is a very heavy quilt but so worth the effort!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Begin again?? Green Bay Packer Solstice

It is true the bug has gotten me. Not the flu bug but the Bonnie bug. Yes I spent the afternoon cutting the first part of this quilt. Spent some time planning this one with the colors. Now it will be fun to take my time and do things a bit different.

I got the Celtic Solstice mug for hot chocolate or tea to keep me warm on these frigid days! Maybe with an additive of amaretto or brandy. It will be used for the days when I hand quilt my king size Celtic Solstice during the Olympics.

Here are some beginning pictures now that I can blog away my progress.

Final pieces of Celtic Solstice climbing together.

Rows and rows to out together. Pinned a lot of the blocks in rows while returning Cherith back to college. This past weekend dowsing the rows together making sure they were going the right way. Such a process. Then the triangle  blocks sewing them together and then on to the quilt. It was fun seeing the light off white/gold sparkles border first tying the whole quilt together. Then adding the triangles. Now decided on a green final border. I accidentally picked up more blue material but it does not look right. So will pick some up this evening. It is a huge quilt, overlays the bed. But I love it.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Celtic Solstice progress

Spent the day yesterday sewing the blocks for rows together. Completed rows 4-11. Got more brave sewing groups of 4 then 8 and to last row larger numbers itching to get things done. Laid them all out last evening and I was 3 blocks short. Some of those mistake blocks needed a few adjustments and then all complete. I have the rows figured out and will spend the time in the car taking daughter back to college to pin them together and begin sewing the rows. Maybe entire top to be done by next Sunday. I ordered by Celtic Solstice long sleeved shirt and mug to celebrate. I also will order my wool batting this week. Would like to start quilting this during the Olympics. Will post pictures latter today. I just love the design and effect of this quilt. I have doubled and tripled check my block placements. Very challenging quilt!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Weekend sewing

Just finished 16 blocks for Celtic Solstice. Will complete some more tomorrow and then sew into rows. Steady progress. Wonderful colors on web site. Will post pictures tomorrow.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Celtic Solstice row 2 complete

Today finished row 2 and attached to row 1. Will continue to sew enough blocks for a row and then join. I may decided to do two rows and the attach them in 2's. I guess the king has eleven rows. So happy with current progress.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

From small blocks to large blocks to row.

Began putting the small blocks into larger blocks for quilt. I have a sample of both main blocks. This is a good visualization and well as a double check. It seems you get caught up pining and marking sewing pints that things easily get mixed up and leads to sewing it wrong. I found that pining the rows across to make the large block is the easiest. Able to finish 14 blocks and enough to sew the first row. Once you get into a rhythm it goes a bit faster. However one mistake at the end, makes one realize sewing fatigue has set in. Time to use the message chair for the sore back as well as a break for the day. It sure is a pretty quilt. The points don't always match perfectly, but one will never know it due to the scrappy feel of the quilt.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Celtic Solstice New Year reveal!!!!

Bonnie shared the great reveal. Had to finish up 144 clue 5 before assembling the blocks. But had to lay them out to see my colors. Love them! So finished sewing clue 5 but need to press and trim. The. I can continue this weekend. Back to work tomorrow.